District 182 facilities are available for community rental when use does not conflict with regular school programs.
Requests for facilities use must be made at least 14 days prior to the event.
Facility rental fees, personnel fees, and equipment fees may apply.
Cancellations of facility use must be made 48 hours in advance of the
scheduled rental or renter will be liable for all rental fees.Contracts will be canceled when schools are closed due to inclement weather. All activities will be canceled on emergency closing days with no additional charges assessed upon reschedule. Announcements will be made on area radio stations and efforts will be made to contact facility use and rental groups.
District 182 reserves the right to cancel reservations for just cause.
District 182 is not responsible for mechanical or electrical failure.
You must read and agree to follow the Facilities Use Policy & Procedures prior to requesting to use the facilities. Refer to this document for complete guidelines and fees regarding use of District 182 facilities.
We are currently in the process of migrating our facilities scheduling program. If you have a facility rental need, please email Abby Geotz: ageotz@ci.k12.mn.us with your request and we will do our best to accommodate you.
If you have questions about scheduling events, meetings, or activity fundraisers, please contact the C-I Community Education Office (see below).
If you are interested in booking the Forum Room at the High School for your group's meeting, please email: dbartels@ci.k12.mn.us to make that request.
Abby Geotz, Community Education Coordinator