Minnesota law requires children enrolled in school to be immunized against certain diseases or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption.
See the links below for further information and the exemption form.
Are your kids ready?(Minnesota's Immunization Law and information on required immunizations for school aged children)
Immunization Form (completed for medical & conscientious exemptions)
We understand that the academic success of our students is strongly linked with their health, and recognize that schools play a critical role in establishing behaviors and promoting choices that affect a child's lifelong health, wellness, and safety.
Click here for several resources that we recommend to assist in your family's wellness journey.

The Crosby-Ironton School District School Health Offices are staffed by a Licensed School Nurse and a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) who rotate between buildings. The Health Services staff collaborates with students, parents, teachers, health care providers and others to promote student’s health and allow for the best educational environment. Our goal is to assist students in learning to be self-sufficient in managing their health and wellness as appropriate for their age.
If you have further questions regarding your student's health and wellness contact:
Tiffany Hallin, RN, Licensed School Nurse
Angie Taylor, LPN
Cuyuna Range Elementary School
Health Office Phone: 218-545-8772
Fax: 218-545-8858
Crosby-Ironton High School
Health Office Phone: 218-545-8823
Fax: 218-545-8835
If a child is ill, please keep him/her at home. When children are in a group, illness spreads quickly. Please keep contact numbers up-to-date in case the school needs to reach you concerning your child’s health.
Children should remain at home:
The first 2 days of a cold (colds are most infectious during the first 2 days).
For 24 hours after a fever from any cause has returned to normal (without the use of Tylenol, etc).
With a temperature over 100 degrees by mouth.
With any intestinal disorder causing diarrhea, vomiting or nausea.
With any communicable infectious disease such as chicken pox or influenza. Contact the nurse about a student returning to school.
With any infectious skin rash such as impetigo or ringworm. May return to school 24 hours after treatment has been started.
With a profuse nasal discharge, discharge from the eyes or ears and inflammation of the eyes.
For a full 24 hours after being on medication for strep throat infection.
If the child has head lice or scabies, he/she may return to school ONLY after treatment.
In order to protect the health of all students and adults in the school, we will call you to pick up your child if we see:
Elevated temperature
Unknown skin rash or open sores
Redness, irritation or discharge from the eyes
Persistent cough or runny nose
Vomiting or diarrhea
Sore throat
If possible, medication should be given outside school hours under parent/guardian supervision. This includes short-term antibiotics ordered for two and three times daily.
All prescriptions (short and longer-term) and over-the-counter medication require an order by a licensed prescriber and a signed authorization from a student’s parent/guardian BEFORE any medication will be administered to a student. A new order is required any time there is a change.
All medication must be in the original container and be clearly marked with the student’s name, the medication name, the dosage to be given and the method of administration. Prescription medication must also include the physician and the pharmacy name. Medication will only be given in a manner consistent with the instructions on the label or a more recent order from a Licensed Prescriber.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to deliver all medications personally to the health office. If this cannot be done, arrangements must be made with the nurse to find an acceptable means of delivery to the school. For safety reasons, it is not acceptable for students to deliver medications to the health office.
For All Students:
Medication Doctors Order Form - this form is required for all medications administered at CRES and all prescription medications administered at the high school.
For Jr./High School Student Only:
Student's may self-carry inhalers or epi-pens with a physician's order on file in the health office. Student may also self-carry over-the-counter pain relievers with parent/guardian approval.
Inhaler and Epi-Pen Self Carry Form - This form must be completed to self-carry inhaler or epi-pen.
Non-Prescription Pain Reliever Self-Carry Form - This form gives students permission to self-carry over-the-counter pain relievers on their person or in their locker.