
Dear Parents, Guardians, and members of the Crosby-Ironton Community, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am excited and honored to serve in my sixth year as your principal.  Our commitment at C-I is to empower students for lifelong success and to create a welcoming space where everyone is able to learn and grow relationships with those around them. 

We have a top-notch group of educators and staff in our building, ready to work with you to provide a successful and positive growth experience for our students, on their way to graduation!

During the 2024-2025 school year we would like to see ALL of our students participate in the many things that C-I has to offer:

  • College in the School Courses

  • Ranger Career Academies

  • Athletics such as football, hockey, volleyball, baseball, softball, dance, and many more!

  • Other activities such as fishing league, trap shooting, the mountain biking club, SALT, student council, and knowledge bowl

  • School spirit events such as dances, homecoming, prom, Snow Days, etc.

  • After-school tutoring opportunities

Being involved in school activities helps to create a richer experience and studies have shown that students who are more involved tend to be more successful later in life. These students learn how to work as a team, manage extra stress, handle taking direction from others, the value of hard work and growth, and how to discipline themselves. Get involved in what the C-I Ranger community has to offer!

Please know that I am generally available during school hours and after school (by appointment) to assist you. I encourage open dialogue between parents and the school so please stop in, call, or email whenever you need help or have questions. I am looking forward to an amazing school year!


Mrs. Strom

Mrs. Strom
Crosby-Ironton High School Principal
jstrom@ci.k12.mn.us | 218-545-8815