Little Rangers and Little Miners are Early Childhood Learning (Pre-K) programs that provide children ages 3, 4, and 5, with opportunities to interact with other children in a school setting. This helps them prepare for success in Kindergarten and beyond!
Our classes offer experiences in all areas of development including academic, fine motor, gross motor, language, social emotional, and self help. Children's progress is monitored and their progress is shared with parents throughout the year and at parent-teacher conferences.
Little Miners : 3 year olds
These classes are full of developmentally appropriate activities just right for your 3 year old! Child must be 3 years old prior to starting classes. We offer rolling registration throughout the school year as spaces remain.
Little Miners classes meet two half days per week. Please see the sliding fee scale below for tuition cost.
Little Rangers: 4 and 5 year olds (School Readiness Program)
Children must be at least 4 years old by September 1st to attend that school year.
These classes provide children with opportunities to participate with other children in a school setting in order to prepare them for success in Kindergarten. Class activities include self directed learning centers, circle time, learning stations, art projects, music, finger plays, snack, small and large muscle time in the gym or outside (as weather permits).
Little Rangers classes meet two full days per week. Please see the sliding fee scale below for tuition cast.
**Bussing is NOT available to Early Childhood regular education students.
If you would like to register your child for one of our Early Childhood classes, please send an email to Abby Geotz at to request a packet. Be sure to include your name, your child's name and age, and your complete mailing address. Limited spots remain!
Payments can be made online through JMC or by cash or check payable to C-I Community Education at any of the school offices.
Scholarships are available to those who qualify. Please contact the Community Education office to request a scholarship application.
Full payment, installment payments, or approved scholarship are required for your student to attend classes. Failure to make payments, payment arrangements, or completing the scholarship process and qualifying for a scholarship may result in your child not being able to attend programming.