Greetings! Hopefully you have had an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine and have some fun this summer!
There are many questions about what school might look like in the fall. Currently, we know that at the end of July, the Department of Education will be providing information to schools about how to proceed in the fall. In the meantime, school districts have been asked to prepare for 3 potential scenarios.
*Scenario 1 In Person: Students will learn at school with social distancing in place as much as possible. *Scenario 2 Hybrid: Students will learn through a combination of digital learning at home and at school with strict social distancing measures in place. School buildings will be limited to 50 percent capacity of students and staff at any one time.
*Scenario 3 Digital Learning: Students will learn at home through digital (distance) learning.
Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey to help us plan for these potential outcomes. We will keep you all updated as information becomes available to us. If the link does not work for you, please copy and paste the following in your browser:
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey, and thank you for your continued support and patience. We are all in this together!