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Students and Parents/Guardians of 7th-12th Grade Students (PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR SCHEDULE): 

Whether you have chosen Distance Learning or to be a part of the Hybrid Model, each student will need a schedule.  Schedules are now available for you to see on JMC.  Before you access your schedule, please make sure to read the following important information:

1.  Each schedule should have a 1st-7th hour, which is different from past years.  Each student now has an Advisory Hour during  5th period, and still has 6 other scheduled hours in their day.
2.  Due to many factors, there are many students that do not have complete/finalized schedules at this time.   I will be working hard to connect with students to complete these schedules as soon as time allows.  Please reach out to me using the format at the end of this email, and your patience and understanding would be appreciated.
3.  If you have a 0 Hour--Course 500 called "Make Course Selection", it means that you have at least one "hole" in your schedule and will need to work with me to complete your schedule.  If your schedule has "study" in one of your hours, it doesn't mean that you have a study hall, it means that we need to connect to fill in that hour--even if you want it to be a study hall or open hour (open hours are for juniors and seniors only who are on track with their credits).  
4.  If you have a special education case manager, they will be working on your schedule this week.  There is no need to contact me directly.

5.  New students will need to complete enrollment papers and have their transcript requested from their previous school.  Please contact the main office.  Once I have that information, I will schedule an appointment with you to set up your schedule.
6.  I am back in my office next Monday, August 17th.  I will be able to meet with students in-person BY SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT ONLY.  I would be happy to set up virtual appointments and talk over the phone, which may be more time efficient.  My preference is that you would email me at ndoyle@ci.k12.mn.us to let me know you want me to contact you--and please include the following:
If you prefer to meet virtually, talk on the phone, or meet in person.
The best number to contact you
What you want to discuss
I look forward to working with each of you.  Thank you again for your understanding and patience as we prepare for this upcoming school year.
Thank you!

Nickie DoyleCrosby-Ironton School Counselor
711 Poplar Street
Crosby, MN  56441
Phone: 218-545-8816
Fax:  218-545-8845