Hello CRES Families!
We are looking forward to seeing students back in the building next week. Just a reminder that school for our 1st through 6th grade students begins on Monday, August 31st. Our kindergartners will have their first day on Wednesday, September 2nd. Our kindergartners will have individual student conferences on Monday, August 31st and Tuesday September 1st. Kindergarten families will be getting their scheduled conference time very soon. Our Early Learning students will have individual conferences on August 31st, September 1st, and September 2nd. The Tuesday/Thursday Early Learning preschool students will have their first day of class on Thursday, September 3rd. Our Monday/Wednesday Early Learning preschool students will have their first day of class on Friday, September 4th. There will not be the traditional back-to-school night at CRES this year.
Also, a reminder that Fridays are distance learning days for our K-6 students.
Finally, due to the many regulations we are now required to follow, we are not able to allow students into the building prior to 8:00 am. Please do not drop your child/children off before 8:00. The only exception is for students who will be going to the Ranger Care Before-School program. Students who are at school before 8:00 will be directed to the Ranger Care room, and families will be billed for those services.
Kurt Becker, Principal
Cuyuna Range Elementary School