Students and Employees Who Test Positive For Covid-19
Procedures for notifying the public
When there is a confirmed case of Covid-19 with a student or employee within the school district, the Crosby-Ironton School District will follow the mandate as set forth by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). This includes contacting the MDH immediately for step-by-step guidance. When there is a confirmed case, MDH will work with the school district to investigate whether the exposure happened in a school setting. After that, the district will help MDH in determining when the individual first developed symptoms, the testing date and when they were last at the school.
In any confirmed case, MDH will consider how long the person was on-campus while possibly infectious, any close contacts and level of interactions before figuring out next steps to take. The MDH considers the infectious period to be 48 hours prior to when symptoms start or the test date for someone asymptomatic.
“Close contact” is defined as those having been within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes, according to MDH.
Handling suspected or confirmed positive cases of COVID-19
One mitigation strategy alone will not eliminate the spread of COVID-19, but the thoughtful combination of multiple strategies taken together may substantially reduce the risk of transmission. All members of the school community, including staff, students, families, visitors, and others must be vigilant in monitoring for symptoms of illness and protect others by staying home when they are feeling ill and following COVID-19 specific exclusion and self-quarantine guidance when appropriate.
The school nurse is responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns and will help coordinate with local health authorities regarding positive COVID-19 cases.
Staff and families are expected to self-report to the school if they or their child have symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or had a close exposure to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days in a manner that is consistent with applicable laws and privacy policies, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Any person who has been symptomatic is not to enter the school building.
The MDH COVID-19 Decision Tree will be used for People in Schools, Youth, and Child Care Programs ( to determine when a student or staff member may return to school following illness or COVID-19 testing.
It is not required for students or staff members to have documentation of a negative viral test or a letter certifying release from isolation in order to return to school, but they must follow guidance regarding when to return to school.
The school nurse will direct a person who tests positive to a designated space that accommodates social distancing of at least six feet for multiple people if needed. A deep cleaning process will be used for the dedicated space between uses and as needed.
Symptomatic people will be immediately isolated in the designated space at school and sent home.
Ensure that symptomatic students who are waiting to be picked up remain under the visual supervision of a staff member who is at least 6 feet away. Both the symptomatic student and the supervising adults are required to wear a face covering or a surgical mask.
Cleaning and disinfecting procedures shall be used by following the COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance for Schools and Child Care Programs (
The school district will ensure that an ill student or staff member gets transported to home or to medical care if needed.
The MDH shall be notified of confirmed COVID-19 cases among students and staff (as required by Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4605.7050). An MDH inbox has been established for school COVID case reporting:
Staff, families, and the public shall be notified, as needed, if a person with COVID-19 was on the school premises while infectious. This notification shall be in coordination with local health officials, while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with FERPA and all other state and federal laws.
Students will have access to the distance learning model if they cannot be physically present in the classroom due to illness or exposure.