class of 2021 black and white from google

Dear Seniors,

The senior class of 2021 will take their group photo on Wednesday, October 7th during fifth period advisory, beginning at 12:30. In the case of inclement weather, the photo will take place on Thursday, October 8th, during advisory. This year, the photo will be taken outside on the bleachers on the football field. Since Wednesdays are designated as in-person learning days for cohort A, cohort B and distance learning students who would like to be in the photo are allowed to come to school on Wednesday and report to their advisory teacher for fifth period. Advisory teachers will then escort students down to the field. Participation in this photo is optional; anyone who does not feel comfortable participating in the photo will join another advisory class for the hour. 

While lining up and getting into formation for the photo, students will wear face coverings and observe distancing guidelines. Once students are into formation, face coverings will be removed for the photo to be taken. We encourage students to show their Ranger pride and wear maroon and white for the photo. Appropriate attire is required; we will be following the same guidelines for senior portraits (no hats, sunglasses, props, hand gestures, etc.). 

If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Larson or Jen Strom. 

Go, C-I, Go!

Jackie Larson- Yearbook Advisor. 218-545-8847.

Jen Strom- CIHS Principal. 218-545-8815.