Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Our school district is currently on a collision path to lose $250,000 for next school year, due to 100 families not completing an application for their child to receive free or reduced priced breakfast and lunch.
Mr. Skinner has mailed applications to those who haven't filled them out and returned them. If you need another copy, you can find it on our website by clicking here.
We have set a goal to persuade all 100 families who qualify for free and reduced lunch to complete the application process by Friday December 11th. For every child who qualifies for free or reduced lunch, the District will receive $2,500. If all 100 families complete the application, the school district will receive $250,000 that can be used to pay for classes and programs in the school.
Please help us to reach our 100 person goal by completing
an application today! This includes distance learners, too.
Check back to Facebook and Twitter to see the progress!