Our Senior Spotlight today is, Paige Mertens! Congratulations, Paige! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024
We recently hosted the initial Ranger Readiness Kindergarten Transition night this Monday. Families had the opportunity to fill out Kindergarten enrollment forms, explore the Kindergarten classrooms, and engage in various activities with the Kindergarten teachers.
If your child is starting Kindergarten this fall, we have another Ranger Readiness night scheduled for Tuesday, March 26th at 5:30. Prior registration is necessary to participate, and a light supper will be included as part of the event.
TO REGISTER: Complete online registration form (see below). Or call or email Jenni Kannel: (218) 545-8720, jkannel@ci.k12.mn.us or Abby Geotz: (218) 545-8822, ageotz@ci.k12.mn.us. Paper registration forms are also available.
To access the online registration form, go to: https://forms.gle/osdYjZoT7bTaUJXV7
It's time for some Pi!
Happy National Pi Day!
Our Senior Spotlight of the day goes to, Hannah Pederson! Congratulations! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024
Ranger Made has been expanding its offerings beyond just signage and into apparel as well. Creating jerseys for JO Volleyball and being contacted by local businesses like Iron Range Veterinary Clinic and Mixed Company shows that Ranger Made is becoming a trusted name for custom creations in our community. This expansion into apparel could provide additional opportunities for growth and recognition. It's great to see our student-run manufacturing business thriving and meeting the needs of various groups and businesses in your area!
For questions or custom orders please contact rangermade@ci.k12.mn.us.
Attention Seniors and Families!
Financial Aid Night
Monday, March 18th at 6:00 PM
C-I Media Center Flex Room
**Check for an email from Mrs. Doyle with details about what to prepare for, and bring, to the event.
Our Senior Spotlight today is, Preston Wetzel! Congratulations, Preston! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024
6th graders have been very busy making a variety of products to fill the CRES School Store! The School Store will be opening for student shoppers on Friday, March 15th. #GoCIGo #schoolstore
Best of luck to our girl's basketball team as they make their way to the State Tournament for the second time in a row! Game time is 8 p.m. at Williams Arena, Wednesday, March 13.
Our Senior Spotlight today goes to, Caitlin Armbrust! Congratulations! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024
Take a peek at our Artist's of the Week!
Katelyn Bill, 7th Grade Art- Acrylic Painting
Katja Yliniemi, 8th Grade Art- Watercolor Painting
Gage Serocki, Drawing- Action Poses
Keep up the great work!
Mr. Tesdahl likes to give people a hard time about working at Target if they wear khaki and red, so on Friday as a birthday prank, CRES staff all dressed as Target employees! Funniest thing was, he had no idea and wore the same colors! Happy Birthday, Mr. T!
Our Senior Spotlight this evening goes to, Abi Kramer! Congratulations, Abi! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024
Don't forget to set your clocks one hour ahead before you go to bed! #daylightsavings
Author and Forensic Psychologist, Frank Weber spoke to Mr. Gindorff’s forensic science class. Students also got to see a lie detector in action!
Reading brightens our world! Students wear their brightest colors and sunglasses to celebrate on Thursday.
Friday, it was time to Team Up for Reading! Students wore their favorite sports gear.
Our Senior Spotlight of the morning is, Anna Nelson! Congratulations, Anna! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024
Wednesday's I Love to Read theme was hats off to reading...wear your favorite hat! #ilovetoread
Budget Information The C-I School District is anticipating a $1,000,000 deficit for 2024-2025. Budget Listening Session: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., in the Forum Room -- This is an opportunity for the community to bring ideas on how to decrease expenditures or increase revenues that will lead to a balanced budget. Regular School Board Meeting: Monday, March 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., in the Forum Room -- Approve 2nd reading of the proposed budget reductions. To submit anonymous suggestions about how to decrease expenditures or increase revenues, click the link, https://forms.gle/uzVQHP1oaWdtubYY6. The school board will study the anonymous suggestions prior to making budget-related decisions.
Our Senior Spotlight this morning is, Cole Stark! Congratulations! Your future is bright, and we are cheering you on every step of the way! #SeniorSpotlight #ClassOf2024