Looking for a gift idea for a C-I Ranger fan? Stop into the high school office and check out our C-I Ranger Socks available in several sizes. All proceeds will go to fund staff and student wellness activities. GO-CI-GO! *Limited change is available, exact amount of purchase is appreciated.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
ranger socks
Reminder...Next week is a short week for Thanksgiving break.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
calendar week of 20-24
Who was your favorite coach? #throwbackthursday
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
9th graders are working hard on their Anti-Bullying PSA Project in Ms. Stout's class.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
4 students standing in a hallway
three students standing one on a stool
four students sitting at a table
 three students standing videoing
one curled up on the floor one student standing over them
two students next to lockers
Unified Bowling had a blast at Jack's House last week!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
unified bowling pictures pt 2
unified bowling pictures pt 1
CRES kindergartners had special visitors last week for Veteran's Day! Thank you to all Veteran's for your service to our country.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
group of studens with Veteran's sitting in front
five Veteran's
students sitting and one holding a hat
Toy Drive! SALT is partnering with HOPE this holiday season for a toy drive. See flyer for more details.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
toy drive
Honoring the courage and sacrifice of all of our veterans. #veternsday
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
Veterans Day 2023
The 6th graders have finished building their ukuleles in Technology and Innovation class! It is fun to see all the different personalities shine through in their ukuleles. Next step will be to bring these to Music class and learn how to play!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
ukelele's in a window and shelf
ukeleles set up against a wall
On Tuesday, November 7, students in 3rd grade learned about voting! They registered to vote, signed in, received a ballot, went to a voting booth and then placed votes into a ballot box! Now they wait for the results … Oreo vs Chips Ahoy and Orange Juice vs Milk!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
Students showing off their i voted stickers
students with their arms in the air
Reminder to families....
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
conference, early out and no school
The National Honor Society students are having a food drive during the whole month of November. Collection boxes can be found in the high school office or Super One Foods. Please consider donating to feed our community. Thank you to all who have donated so far!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
food drive november
I am disappointed to report that voters did not approve our referendum. Thank you for your interest in the fall referendum. Thank you also to those who voted. We appreciate you for seeking information and making informed decisions that impact the future of your children. As the parent or guardian of a student in our district, I want you to know that you are greatly appreciated by me, the administration, and our staff. Please read more information here about the election and what the outcome of this election means for our district. https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/news-and-events Jamie Skjeveland Superintendent, Crosby-Ironton Schools
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
referendum results
Our referendum was not approved by voters. Thank you to those who voted in this referendum. We appreciate you for seeking information and making informed decisions. Read our media release for more information about the election results and what the outcome of this election means for our district. https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/news-and-events
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
referendum results
results from election
Kindergarteners travel to the Care Center, every month, for intergenerational activities. This visit they made ghost pops, colored and tried to eat donuts on a string! Thank you to CLEF who donated funds for bussing to and from the care center. 😍
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
student trying to eat a donut on a string
residents and students coloring
female student trying to eat a donut on a string
two male students making ghost pops
female student eating a donut on a string
student and hospital staff at a table
Today is Election Day for Crosby-Ironton Public Schools! Do you know where your polling place is? Visit https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/election-information to find yours. Polls are open 12:00pm - 8:00pm, but be sure to check your polling place hours before you go to vote.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
are you registered to vote
C-I SALT (Service Action Leadership Team) students collected 466.5 lbs of food plus a $60 monetary donation during their annual We Scare Hunger Halloween food drive. All food and money collected went to The Cuyuna Range Food Shelf. Thank you to all who gave to this food drive!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
SALT Team with food
Tomorrow is Election Day! Review our website's Election Information section so you can make an informed decision at the polls. #2023Referendum #VoteNov7 https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/election-information
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
free i voted sticker
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7 and early voting is still available Monday, Nov. 6. Find your polling place here: https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/election-information #2023Referendum #VoteNov7
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
your vote matters register to vote
It's a shortened week next week, due to Parent-Teacher Conferences! Take a look at the week.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
reminder to partents conferences, early out and no school