509 6th Avenue NE
Crosby MN, 56441

My name is Taylor Demuth and I’m honored to be joining Cuyuna Range Elementary School as the interim principal for the 2024-2025 school year. I look forward to supporting the innovative teaching and learning that occurs daily at CRES to best meet the needs of the learners we have the privilege of working with. We currently serve students from preschool through sixth grade and we are located in the heart of Crosby, Minnesota. We have had the distinct honor of being named a Minnesota School of Excellence each year since 2016. Collectively, we strive to continue to grow professionally and provide high quality course offerings to help our students be successful both now and in the future.
Our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) program is recognized statewide and we are fortunate to have incredible educators who share their knowledge and passion for STEAM education at state and national conferences. In 2018, CRES received the inaugural STEM Innovation Award presented by the Minnesota Elementary School Principals’ Association and the Science Museum of Minnesota, as the top elementary STEM program in the state! Our cutting edge approach is a two-pronged program that includes a “Tech and Innovation” class as part of each student’s rotation during the school day, as well as an afterschool and summer program called “Bright Futures” which features activities such as FIRST LEGO League, Rocketry Club, Destination Imagination and Camp Invention.
We work hard to foster a learning environment in which students are encouraged to be innovative, critical thinkers and problem solvers to adequately prepare them for the future. At CRES we offer a variety of learning opportunities that allow our students to discover and develop their interests. These learning experiences include music, band, physical education and technology and innovation.
We are very intentional with providing instruction that is tailored to the individual needs of our learners. Our talented Title 1 staff provide additional support in math and reading to students as needed throughout the school year. Each day our students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade receive a 30 minute math or reading boost at their individual learning level as part of our WIN (What I Need) program. This program allows us the flexibility to provide all students with the instruction that they need from remediation to enrichment.
At CRES we are committed to helping each student succeed. Our goal is to ensure that Cuyuna Range Elementary School is a safe and welcoming place with high expectations for everyone. Every student deserves to feel safe, loved and valued and it is our privilege and responsibility to make that our continued priority. We are also dedicated to creating positive and lasting partnerships with our families and our community. We understand and appreciate the invaluable role that parents, guardians and community members play in the educational journey of our students. Together, we can create incredible learning opportunities to provide all of our students with the best possible educational experience!
Taylor Demuth
Cuyuna Range Elementary School

Our school mascot, Una the St. Bernard, was the loyal sidekick of Cuyler Adams, founder of the Cuyuna Range. In honor of Una, we practice "Paw Pride" in everything we do:
Respect Others:
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Take turns
Use polite and kind words
Respect Yourself:
Do your best
Make good choices
Positive attitude
Respect Property:
Keep your area clean
Ask before using
Leave things better than you found them
Respect Learning:
Listen to others
Ask questions
Participate/Get involved