In honor of Earth Day, which was April 22, students in Mrs. Stangel's class were asked to get outside and clean up. Thank you for your help! Did you know? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the rough average daily waste per person is 4.4 pounds!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
female students with bags of garbage
female and 2 male students with garbage and a dog
2 males and a female holding a garbage bag
female student in the woods with garbage bags
Question: What brings two brothers together while distance learning? Answer: Tech and Innovation! These two designed and created their own kites.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
two male students holding a homemade kite
Check out these art projects! Emily is showing off her turtle, carved from soap. Connelly displays her "Great Outdoors," painting and Josie shows her rendition of "Starry Nights," by Vincent van Gogh. Great job!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
female student with a soap carving of a turtle
female student with a camper painting
female student with a painting of starry night
Childcare kids used their creativity and made bird feeders. The birds are sure going to be happy!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
male students painting
male student holding a paint brush
female student painting
painted bird feeders on paper plates
Distance Learning can't take the Paw Pride out of Mrs. Duhn's kindergarten class!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
kindergarten class on zoom with paw pride
The childcare students had fun today planting marigold seeds in potatoes. The end project will resemble a Mr. Potato Head with crazy hair.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
male and female students around a table
reds cups with a potato in it
The C-I School District is currently looking for 50, cloth face masks. These masks would be given to our childcare workers, meal delivery staff and packet pick-up/drop-off staff. If you are able to donate, you may drop off your donation in the District Office entrance. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
homemade cloth facemasks
Kianna Blood, senior, displays her acrylic painting of an ostrich. Teresa Goodwin, 11th grader, is shown with her 3-D Minion Mug. Great job!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
female student with an ostrich painting
female student with a minion mug that she made
The Staff Shout-Out of the day goes to, Christine Elliott, a paraprofessional at the high school. Thank you, Ms. Elliott, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
Photo of female paraprofessional
Check this out! Audible is offering free books during the pandemic— you don’t even need to create an account to access the books. There are books for ALL ages. Happy listening!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
The Staff Shout-Out of the day goes to, Christina Mozey, a Special Education teacher at CRES. Thank you, Mrs. Mozey, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of female teacher
Emma Stokman,11th grader, shows off her portrait painting and Haley Jones, 10th grader, displays her acrylic turtle painting. Even art class is distance learning! Keep up the great work!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
female student with painting of turtels
female student with a portrait painting
Today's Staff Shout-Out goes to, Chris Rydberg, a paraprofessional at the high school. Thank you, Mr. Rydberg, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a male paraprofessional
Mark your calendars! C-I High School will be hosting Cuyuna Regional Medical Center's blood drive, May 7 and 8. Please make an appointment and donate!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
blood drive information poster
Be sure to check out the Cuyuna Range Elementary School YouTube channel! Once you get to the site, tap the tab that says "playlists". There are three types of videos on our channel right now. There are 25 stories read by CRES teachers on the playlist, Storytime, from CRES. WINners Math and WINners Reading are different math and reading games families can do at home brought to you by CRES WIN teachers.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
Some fun was had as the preschoolers and kindergartners created bunny masks while at CRES childcare today!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
staff and students in bunny masks
A "Thank You" basket was given to the bus driver and the two staff members on board, while dropping off/picking up distance learning packets. We are all in this together...together we make it possible!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
gift basket of drinks and candy and a card
The Staff Shout-Out of the days goes to, Chevon Ceron, a paraprofessional at CRES. Thank you, Ms. Ceron, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a female paraprofessional
A student from Mrs. Sandeen's, International Foods class, is taking advantage of Distance Learning and making himself some breakfast for his assignment. Looks good enough to eat!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
bagel sandwich on a plate
ingredients from a grocery store
a male cooking over the stove
During this time of unknown certainty, it is heart warming to see everyone coming together. CRES paras created their own version of #aworldofhearts. Thank you for spreading joy and hope to our community! If you have photos to share of your #aworldofhearts window creations, please share them in the comments on Facebook!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
brick building with windows full of hearts
window full of hearts
window full of colorful hearts