In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, which was celebrated on March 21, staff wore mismatched socks to raise awareness and highlight the differences that make each one of us GREAT!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
multiple feet with wacky socks
multiple photos of mismatched socks
Our Staff Shout-Out of the day is, Chelsea Lipski, Social Studies teacher at the high school. Thank you, Ms. Lipski, for all you do!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a female teacher
ATTENTION: Schoology is back up and running! Thank you for your patience.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
ATTENTION: Schoology is down at the moment. Please be patient. Watch here for updates.Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
Today's Staff Shout-Out goes to, Charlene Saley, a math teacher at the high school. Thank you for all you do, Mrs. Saley!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
a photo of a female teacher
Students in Ms. Felthous' class spent a day last week having a “silent discussion” followed by a peer discussion about poverty, stereotypes, and acceptance. This will lead them into their multicultural literature unit.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
two students write on large white paper
male and female students sitting on desks
male and female students writing on large white paper
words students wrote on white paper
Staff Shout-Out of the day goes to, Carol Yeager, a paraprofessional at the high school. Thank you, Mrs. Yeager, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a femal paraprofessional
The Staff Shout-Out of the day goes to, Bryan Syrstad, DAPE and Phy. Ed teacher at CRES and the high school. Mr. Syrstad is also head football and baseball coach, he plays a huge roll in our Special Olymipcs and Unified partners, as well. Thank you, Mr. Syrstad, for all you do for the students at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a male teacher
CRES students and families, take a peek at this link and enjoy some stories read by staff. Thank you, CRES Staff, for creating this opportunity!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
If you want your child(ren) to receive a meal on Monday, March 23, the deadline to fill out the survey is Friday, March 20, by noon.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
In today's Staff Shout-Out we recognize, Brittany Barutt, a Special Education teacher at CRES. Thank you, Ms. Barutt, for all you do for the students at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a female teacher
Thank you to all who donated to the Student Council, Pound-for-Pound, food challenge. With your help they were able to donate 60 lbs of food to the Cuyuna Lakes Food Shelf! #GoCIGo
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
hands holding food to be placed in a box
Parents/Guardians of students who have not brought their belongings and text books home, please stop at CRES by 3:00 pm today. Pick up isn't available tomorrow. Please call or email Kim Taylor 218-545-8773 or with any questions. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
Staff Shout-Out of the day goes to, Britta Leino, a 6th grade teacher at CRES. Thank you, Ms. Leino, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a female teacher
Easton Maucieri, Briana Miller, and Emily Miller, 10th graders, are shown working on the pottery wheel during art club. Julianna Camacho and Marques Dubray, 10th graders, display their Monochromatic Still-Life paintings. Mason Gronsberg, 10th grade, and Willow Glomski, 11th grade, show off their pinch pot monster and Coil pot. Great job everyone! Keep up the good work! #GoCIGo
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
a male and two females on a pottery wheel
two students displaying their artwork
two students showing their clay pots
In today's Staff Shout-Out we recognize, Brian Wood, an industrial arts teacher at the high school. Mr. Wood is also head coach of the wrestling. Thank you, Mr. Wood, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
male teacher
March is National Nutrition Month! Visiting a kindergarten class, from CRMC, is Dietician Intern, Katie Salfer and Director of Clinical Nutrition, Mrs. Heather Erickson. They taught students about eating veggies. The students were able to smell, touch, taste and journal about sugar snap peas and beets! Thank you CRMC, Katie and Mrs. Erickson.
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
snap peas and beets in cups
a female student eating beets
a male student eating snap peas
male and female kindergarten students with two adults
Staff Shout-Out of the day goes to, Brenda Bendson, a Title I teacher at CRES. Thank you, Mrs. Bendson, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a female teacher
It's Yearbook time! High School yearbook orders and payment are due by Thursday, March 19. The order forms can be found in the high school office. Get yours today!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
buy your yearbook image found on internet
In today's Staff Shout-Out we recognize, Brad Hollenhorst, a junior high math teacher. Mr. Hollenhorst is also the head volleyball and softball coach and a Junior High Knowledge Bowl advisor. Thank you, Mr. Hollenhorst, for all you do at C-I!
almost 5 years ago, Devan Bartels
photo of a male teacher